Opportunity hammering at the door

            There was a time when there was no opportunity for immigrants here because there were no employment opportunities for the people already here.             Now our population is in decline and many of our young people, experienced trades people, and even young retired folk are  flowing West. Opportunities to really get ahead, establish a […]

Gump, Double Gump and Miramichi clubs

             When I started calling 773-5501 over 30 years ago, Gump Gorman had already been driving cab in Miramichi for 17 years.             When I needed a cab on Wednesday, while my car was being serviced, Gump was the driver. His son is now the proprietor. He said that, at 82, (doesn’t look it) he’s […]


            Back in September, Charles Moore, a columnist in the Saint John Telegraph Journal made me livid.             He wrote a column headed “Christianity Is Under Siege by Sacraphobes.”             It began “When religion is the topic du jour in newspaper letters, columns, on open line radio and TV shows and journalistic commentary, a chorus […]

You’re worth it!

            I learned a long time ago, if there is something worth doing, it is worth getting someone to do it. — David Cadogan

The bilingualism joke

             New Brunswick is the only officially bilingual province in Canada.             What a joke!             Again this week, I sat among a roomful of Anglophones, many of them a third my age, who had signed up for French second language training at New Brunswick Community College night school.             Some of them will make […]

Support our troops!

            Do you walk to work or take your lunch?             Do you support our troops or want to bring them home?             The second question is as much a non sequitur as the first.             Does supporting the troops mean keeping them in harm’s way on the say-so of people with political rather than […]

Everyday heroes, usual suspects

        Mary Richardson is not a wealthy woman. Normally she might not be considered a powerful woman – one of the heavy hitters in the community.         Mary has, however, pulled off an impressive, generous and inspiring feat. In one year of wheeling and wheedling, organizing and hustling and the lavish application of personal elbow […]

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival

            New Orleans is one of my favourite places on earth.             Jazz & Heritage Festival – http://www.nojazzfest.com/ – is the best time to go for music. It is held on the last weekend of April and the first weekend of May every year. The weather is hot but tolerable then. The music! The food! The […]

To your coffin!

May I propose a toast to your coffin! May it be made from an oak tree so old and grand that one, clear, unjoined, board from it provides sides, ends, top and bottom. May it grow from an acorn that you and I shall plant in the morning. (Attributed as old Russian and as Irish.)

Cabbage and Avocado Salad with Barbecued Pork

In Crete, I was intrigued to see cabbage and avocado salad on a restaurant menu. It sounded weird so I tried it, loved it and figured out how to make it at home. Ingredients • 1-pound pork tenderloin • 2 cloves garlic, minced, separated • 1/4 cup soy sauce • 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger, […]

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