Pandora and newspapers

Pandora is a web site that plays music. Its developers devised what they call the music genome. Like the human genome, our particular combination of DNA, the music genome creates a unique creature. In the case of Pandora, you tell it a few tunes or artists you like and it creates a unique music radio […]

Romantic death

The St. Petersburg Times had a story about Fred and Doris Dillon, retired Canadians. Fred died at 102 in a local Pinellas County, Florida, nursing home hospice. His wife, Doris, 92, died the next day. They were both in the same home. Staff had rearranged a room and put their beds side by side. The […]

NB February beach picnic

Over 800 New Brunswickers, including more than a dozen Miramichiers had a nice picnic at the beach on Monday, February 16. There were fiddlers and dancers and Acadian Goofers and dozens of prizes. There was even a New Brunswick MLA on hand and a letter from the Premier. The main entertainment seemed to be wandering […]

Rob Peter to pay Peter’s lawyer

Class actions are becoming ridiculous. One of the most insane recently concluded in Florida. It originated when the state vehicle and drivers licencing bureau sold access to its list of drivers and car owners. Canadian provinces do that. How else would the War Amps know you are a potential client for key tags and where […]

Good old days? Poor us!

Probably because internet email makes it easy, I receive dozens of messages every day. Many of these have to do with the frailties of age. For example, you know you are getting old when you and your teeth sleep in separate rooms. Others have to do with how the world is in a state of […]

Sunrise of hope

            The day after the inauguration of US President Barak Hussein Obama, Alice McLerran sent the following message to Willa Mavis, a friend of mine. Willa forwarded it to me.             I thought her words and the Sunshineccc08 video were a beautiful expression of the mood of the throngs at the ceremony. Alice gave me […]